How Much Time is 'The Time it Takes'?
That phrase, 'the
time it takes' has become a very popular catchword especially in the
Natural Horsemanship training world. But what does it mean? Probably
something a little different to each person, but to me one of the things
it means is being willing to take the time to go back and start over when
what you're doing 'doesn't even begin to work' (there's another catch
phrase for you!)
Let's say that you've
decided to work on picking up the canter/lope from the walk. Your horse is
sticky and somewhat reluctant, so you decide that he needs to become more
responsive. Not an outrageous expectation, certainly. So you spend time
warming him up and then you're ready to go to work. You set him up and
give him the canter aids that you've been using and no canter. You try
several more times and still aren't getting it, or getting it only after
prolonged trotting. So you decide to up the ante, and you either use the
leg aid more strongly or you add a whip aid. Oh, good, there's the canter.
You praise him, canter around a time or two, then walk and try again. Leg
aid, nothing, stick aid, canter, but this time there's a little head shake
and a hump in the back. Canter around, walk, try again. Leg aid, nothing,
stick aid, buck! then canter. Oops. What was that about? Try again. Leg
aid, nothing, stick aid, buck! scoot! buck!
Hmmmm. There is a
classic example of 'doesn't even begin to work'! The horse started out
saying "I don't really want to canter," when you used the leg
aid. So you used a stronger aid, and the first time you used it the horse
said, "Well, maybe under the circumstances, even though I don't
really want to, I'll try the canter. How bad could it be?" So he
tried the canter and found out that maybe it wasn't horrible, but it
wasn't by any means great. Pretty scary, in fact.
The next time you set
him up he thought, 'Uh-oh, I'm going to either have to canter or get hit,
and I don't want to get hit (or banged with a heavy leg aid, or whatever)
but the idea of cantering makes me pretty tense.' And indeed he is so
tense that when he first feels the stronger aid hes has to shake his head
to release the tension, and there's still some there in the humped back.
The second time he's tense enough that he can't go forward, so he bucks
instead to break loose, then canters. The last time, he is really tense so
the first buck doesn't break him loose, and he has to scoot and buck
Now, you could keep
going in this direction. You could pull him up hard for bucking and
scooting, and maybe you could even get him producing some sort of canter
from the walk without a buck. But! The horse has told you very clearly and
distinctly that something is wrong with this whole canter routine. Do you
know what it is? Did you make any effort to figure out why the horse
doesn't want to canter? Or do you go on the premise that he is 'just being
a jerk' or 'just trying to pull my chain?'
This is where you need
to take some time. Don't say to yourself, "I have to make him do it
right today, because I started it and if I don't make him do it right, he
will have won!" Hey, you're not fighting a war, you're trying to
teach your horse to pick up the canter from the walk. Good teachers are
analytical and helpful, not tyrannical. (I've always felt that being
tyrannical is a cop out on the part of the teacher. She doesn't really
know how to teach, or doesn't understand the subject, but she doesn't want
to take 'the time it takes' to learn herself. Instead, she bullies the
student into carrying the load. "What do you mean, you can't canter.
Figure it out!!!!")
So, first of all, time
for thought. Maybe some research, or some advice, depending on your level
of expertise. Start by asking yourself some questions. Was he really
picking up the canter well from the trot, or did I just think he was? Was
he really comfortable cantering, or was it a lot of work to keep him
going? (Don't forget, 'if it isn't easy, it isn't right!) If he seemed to
be all right, maybe he's just having a bad day today, but it's also
possible I haven't given him enough time. It takes time to develop the
strength and balance to pick up the canter easily from the walk. Maybe
there's a different exercise that will help him to work it out better,
like trot-to-walk-to-canter so that he has the impulsion already. So I'll
add another step. That will take a little more time, but we're not getting
it right the way we're going, are we?
Or perhaps I realize,
on consideration or on having some one more knowledgeable watch him, that
his canter wasn't really as good as I thought. Next question, am I working
the right way, or does what I'm doing need changing? Maybe I pushed
cantering too soon, and need to go back and spend some time to improve his
balance by doing more flat work. Or maybe the arena is too narrow, and
it's making him tense and compressed. If I can't find a different place to
work him, that means spending extra time to improve his balance to the
point where he can deal comfortably and easily with it at the trot before
I can expect canter.
Or, maybe I need to
improve! Do I really sit quietly in the middle of the horse when he
canters? Or stand balanced in my stirrups? Or am I bouncing on his back or
falling to the outside on the turns? Are my hands quiet or are the reins
bouncing every stride? Cantering in a small space asks for a high degree
of balance on the part of the horse if you are not to cause eventual
lameness. If you are awkward the problem is magnified many times.
So, whatever the
cause, you can make a choice. You can choose the quick fix, or you can
choose to take the time it takes to truly solve the problem. Suppose you
have a leaky pipe in your house and you call the plumber. He says, "Hey,
let's just wrap some tape around it. No point spending a lot of time and
money replacing that piece of pipe." So he wraps some tape around it
and three months later it lets go and floods the bathroom and leaks
through the ceiling onto the brand new carpet in the living room.
Of course, no
sensible home owner would ever do such a thing. You would want the plumber
to 'take the time it takes' to do the job right, and avoid trouble later
on. Should you do any less for your horse?

© 1997,1998,1999, 2000 By Gincy Bucklin
all rights reserved