{short description of image}Pleasure Rider vs. Pleasure {short description of image}Hat Safety {short description of image}East is East and West is West
{short description of image}Calm and Cool {short description of image}Euthanasia {short description of image}Effortless Effort
{short description of image}Courage & Confidence {short description of image}So You Think You Want To Buy A Horse {short description of image}Riding in the Present
{short description of image}What is Artificial {short description of image}Which Way Is Forward {short description of image}I'm Okay, You're Okay
{short description of image}Your Horse; Competitor and Companion {short description of image}Authority and Respect {short description of image}The Magic Spot
{short description of image}Take Time {short description of image}Fundamentals of Position

© 1997,1998,1999, 2000 By Gincy Bucklin
all rights reserved